Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Upper Room by Mary Monroe

“Y’all don’t understand. Mo’reen ain’t no regular child. She a gift from the Lord. Her presence make the upper room so special.”

If you’re in the mood for a quick read with snappy dialog, vivid imagery and a little bit suspense, then this is the book for you. Mama Ruby, the seventh born daughter of a seventh born daughter, is believed to have special powers. In fact, her “healing hands” brought her best friend Othella’s still born daughter back to life. Since Mama Ruby had always longed to have her very own daughter, she took this as a sign that the baby was a gift from God. So, without a word to Othella, Mama Ruby steals off into the night with the baby she named Maureen and settles in a migrant community outside of Miami. While there she quicklyearns the reputation of someone not to be played with. She “chastises” those who dare to cross her and has her son Virgil help her hide the bodies. THE UPPER ROOM is filled with a cast of colorful characters and just enough drama and suspense to keep you turning the pages and craving for more. The prequel to this story, MAMA RUBY, is set to be released in July 2011.